First off, we just got transfer calls! I'm staying in the Sugar City Stake with Sister Crandall! I'm really so glad nothing is changing. Well, I guess that is only partly true, because Sister Dodd got her Visa last Tuesday and left just yesterday morning. She'll be wonderful in Samoa, but I'll defiantly miss her a ton!
This week was pretty crazy, for we had quite a few of our appointments fall through, and we had exchanges on two different days this week! Sister McIntosh (Sister Dodd's trainer) went on a exchange with me to work in my area on Wednesday, which was just a really neat experience. I learned a lot from her and we had a great time, even though we pretty much walked the entire day. On that note, since our miles were cut half way through the month, we hit our millage limit Tuesday. So we had to rely a few times on the amazing members to give us rides to Newdale, Sugar City, and Teton. Walking however was really nice, and we felt like hardcore missionaries! Friday, Sister McIntosh and Sister Crandall had another meeting, so Sister Dodd and I worked on the Campus half of the day and the rest in Sugar. Twice a week, from 10am till 1pm, the sisters serving on Campus have a booth set up to help get referrals, members to attend lessons with us, and so let the students know about Skype lessons! Being on Campus was really different, but we were able to set up a few lessons and we got some referrals. I actually ran into a few people I knew from my home YSA ward! It is such a small world!
We also got to help glean a field of potatoes! The brother who owns the land has a contract with a few companies, one of which is 5 guys! He also let us ride in the tracker they use to dig the potatoes up. We have been giving away the potatoes we collected to some of the people we teach and want to teach. Potatoes and cookies we have discovered softens hearts!
General Conference was really just amazing, as always! I learned so much and I really am glad I was able to receive all of the strength that I did. This weekend was seriously an emotional roller coaster, just with experiencing conference without my family, Sister Dodd leaving, and the general uncertainty of staying in my area or not. General Conference was just what I needed though, and I just was able to re-focus on my purpose as a missionary.
All of the talks had such a profound impact on me! I'll try to just share a few things that really stood out.
-Alma 5:23 "If you have received this mighty change of heart, can you feel so now?" I really loved how President Uchtdorf focused on the basic truths of the Plan of Salvation, and how all of us chose at the beginning to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior in our pre-mortal life. We work with a lot of less actives, and I feel that they just need to remember back to when they first gained a testimony, and focus on those simple truths that President Uchtdorf talked about. I think we can each evaluate our own testimonies, and see if we still feel the spirit strongly in our lives.
-Elder Neil L. Andersen and Elder Dallin H. Oaks! I liked their talks for hopefully obvious reasons... ;)
I would really encourage everyone to prayerfully think about how they can apply the things they taught into their own lives!
-President Nelson's talk- "When we focus our lives on the Plan of Salvation and the gospel, joy enters into our lives." "Missionaries teach and baptize to bring joy into the world!" President Russel M. Nelson really helped me more strongly remember in my purpose as a missionary and servant of the Lord! I can honestly say that this is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I'm also just so happy. I know that the joy I feel despite the stresses of missionary life is because I'm striving to serve others!
-If I had to pick a talk that hit me the most, I would have to say it was Elder Bednar's. The message of how selflessly serving others helps us give up our selfish desires and submit to his will really was just so powerful. I've been asking myself ever since yesterday if I truly know my Savior. We come to know the Lord when we are filled with his love and serve others, as Elder Bednar taught.
In my personal study, I've been really trying to think about what it truly means to "bear up your cross." 2 Nephi 9:18- they who have endured the crosses of the world, and despised the shame of it. (They are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ). It made me think about 1 Nephi 8:24-28, when one group of people were on the path, but became ashamed and fell away. In 3 Nephi 12:29-30, after Christ teaches the people the be-attitudes and to live the higher law, He then tells them to take up their cross. D&C 23:6 (the scripture that first made me want to study this more) is council to Joseph Knight to take up his cross and pray vocally before the world. In Mark 10:38-39 is the story of the rich young man, who Christ also councils to take up his cross. Those who take upon their cross and loses their life for Christ's sake shall find it. To me, taking up your cross is to give up that which might be hardest for you to give up or do, and follow Christ. I think we each have our own different crosses that we have to recognize. We can't take up our cross by ourselves. We need to use the enabling power of the Atonement and have faith in our Savior!
I love you all! I love this work, and I'm so thankful for the blessing of a latter-day Prophet. I'm ever hopeful for the work here, as I get to serve another 6 weeks in Sugar City!
-Sister Cottrell

This week was pretty crazy, for we had quite a few of our appointments fall through, and we had exchanges on two different days this week! Sister McIntosh (Sister Dodd's trainer) went on a exchange with me to work in my area on Wednesday, which was just a really neat experience. I learned a lot from her and we had a great time, even though we pretty much walked the entire day. On that note, since our miles were cut half way through the month, we hit our millage limit Tuesday. So we had to rely a few times on the amazing members to give us rides to Newdale, Sugar City, and Teton. Walking however was really nice, and we felt like hardcore missionaries! Friday, Sister McIntosh and Sister Crandall had another meeting, so Sister Dodd and I worked on the Campus half of the day and the rest in Sugar. Twice a week, from 10am till 1pm, the sisters serving on Campus have a booth set up to help get referrals, members to attend lessons with us, and so let the students know about Skype lessons! Being on Campus was really different, but we were able to set up a few lessons and we got some referrals. I actually ran into a few people I knew from my home YSA ward! It is such a small world!
We also got to help glean a field of potatoes! The brother who owns the land has a contract with a few companies, one of which is 5 guys! He also let us ride in the tracker they use to dig the potatoes up. We have been giving away the potatoes we collected to some of the people we teach and want to teach. Potatoes and cookies we have discovered softens hearts!
General Conference was really just amazing, as always! I learned so much and I really am glad I was able to receive all of the strength that I did. This weekend was seriously an emotional roller coaster, just with experiencing conference without my family, Sister Dodd leaving, and the general uncertainty of staying in my area or not. General Conference was just what I needed though, and I just was able to re-focus on my purpose as a missionary.
All of the talks had such a profound impact on me! I'll try to just share a few things that really stood out.
-Alma 5:23 "If you have received this mighty change of heart, can you feel so now?" I really loved how President Uchtdorf focused on the basic truths of the Plan of Salvation, and how all of us chose at the beginning to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior in our pre-mortal life. We work with a lot of less actives, and I feel that they just need to remember back to when they first gained a testimony, and focus on those simple truths that President Uchtdorf talked about. I think we can each evaluate our own testimonies, and see if we still feel the spirit strongly in our lives.
-Elder Neil L. Andersen and Elder Dallin H. Oaks! I liked their talks for hopefully obvious reasons... ;)
I would really encourage everyone to prayerfully think about how they can apply the things they taught into their own lives!
-President Nelson's talk- "When we focus our lives on the Plan of Salvation and the gospel, joy enters into our lives." "Missionaries teach and baptize to bring joy into the world!" President Russel M. Nelson really helped me more strongly remember in my purpose as a missionary and servant of the Lord! I can honestly say that this is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I'm also just so happy. I know that the joy I feel despite the stresses of missionary life is because I'm striving to serve others!
-If I had to pick a talk that hit me the most, I would have to say it was Elder Bednar's. The message of how selflessly serving others helps us give up our selfish desires and submit to his will really was just so powerful. I've been asking myself ever since yesterday if I truly know my Savior. We come to know the Lord when we are filled with his love and serve others, as Elder Bednar taught.
In my personal study, I've been really trying to think about what it truly means to "bear up your cross." 2 Nephi 9:18- they who have endured the crosses of the world, and despised the shame of it. (They are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ). It made me think about 1 Nephi 8:24-28, when one group of people were on the path, but became ashamed and fell away. In 3 Nephi 12:29-30, after Christ teaches the people the be-attitudes and to live the higher law, He then tells them to take up their cross. D&C 23:6 (the scripture that first made me want to study this more) is council to Joseph Knight to take up his cross and pray vocally before the world. In Mark 10:38-39 is the story of the rich young man, who Christ also councils to take up his cross. Those who take upon their cross and loses their life for Christ's sake shall find it. To me, taking up your cross is to give up that which might be hardest for you to give up or do, and follow Christ. I think we each have our own different crosses that we have to recognize. We can't take up our cross by ourselves. We need to use the enabling power of the Atonement and have faith in our Savior!
I love you all! I love this work, and I'm so thankful for the blessing of a latter-day Prophet. I'm ever hopeful for the work here, as I get to serve another 6 weeks in Sugar City!
-Sister Cottrell

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