Happy Halloween! Today will be really interesting, since we aren't allowed to go proselyting on Halloween night, and it also so happens to be a P-day. So our whole zone is getting together for dinner and just to hang out in the evening, and it will be really weird to have an all day P-day.
Last week was Brian's baptism! So many people were there! We had to move everyone into the chapel again to fit everyone. Brian is such a sweetheart, and we have grown really close to the whole family! His younger brother got to baptize him, which was just a tender thing to see. Brian's other brother gave the talk, and it was really neat because he talked about how even though Brian doesn't need to be baptized because of his special needs, he getting baptized so that he can serve in the church.
This week was a bit slow because we had the baptisms, then Sister Crandall was sick Tuesday, and we also had another exchange. But we did still see miracles! Yesterday, we had a few lessons cancel, and even though we were able to teach a few less actives, every other door we tired no one was home/we weren't able to get in to share anything. We tried so many people and that made it really tiring/discouraging (the rain didn't help, either). In the late evening, we actually knocked at one referral's home and she totally let us in and was very friendly! She had some interesting beliefs and got a little bit heated at one point, but by the end of it we left on a good note and there's room to go back. We also tried one non-member who we have been trying for weeks, and she keeps putting us off and telling us that she will think about it. We have met her less active boyfriend a few times, and he genuinely would be willing to meet with us if she would be on board. Well, we tried her and she seemed so different, and we even set up an appointment with her! This was really big, because at the moment we don't have very many investigators and out of the investigators we do have, so many have been canceling on us lately. It is just amazing how Heavenly Father prepares His children.
Friday was exchanges again, and one of the lessons we taught was to this student from Germany, who is super sweet! Since she has already had all of the lessons but is still investigating, we taught her about Elijah. She wanted to know more about him since she heard mention of Elijah during one of her classes, and it was a really neat lesson! We also taught a lesson over skype to a guy who lives in Organ! He was super curious about prophets and asked really sincere, good questions. The BYU-I area is unique because they are the only area in Idaho where they can have skype lessons. Basically, if someone has a non-member friend/family member, they can invite them to have a lesson over skype where they can be present with the missionaries here. The BYU-I sisters then teach the first two lessons, and then hand them over to the missionaries that cover them wherever they live. It's a really neat way to ease people into the lessons, because they can investigate the church in the comfort of their home with the missionaries teaching them just through skype. It was a really neat experience!
We also had the opportunity to have another church tour! We took this re-activating family to the stake center, and it was really neat because the ward mission leader for their ward joined us to help teach. By the end of the tour, we set a date for their oldest daughter (who is 9-years-old) to be baptized on Dec. 3rd! Her father is trying to quit smoking, so we will be working closely with their family to prepare them for that date.
Lately, I feel that I've been getting way too emotional! Just yesterday, we had one lesson with the less active lady, who opened up to us quite a bit this visit and admitted that she hasn't been active (a lot of the time, people will sort of pretend that they are with us). While we taught her, I felt just so much love for her and I could really feel how deeply Heavenly Father cares about her! It totally chocked me up, and it was just such a tender moment for me. I realized just how much I truly love doing this work, even on the hard days.
Here's some notes from Elder Oak's talk this past conference! I just want to testify that when you pray for missionary opportunities, they do come. So be ready!
"What we call 'member missionary
work' is not a program but an attitude
of love and outreach to help those around us."
We need the help of every member, and every member can help,
since there are many tasks to perform as we share the restored
gospel with every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
1. We can all pray for desire to help with this vital
part of the work of salvation. All efforts begin with desire.
2. We can keep the commandments ourselves.
3. We can pray for inspiration on what we can do in our individual
circumstances to share the gospel with others. This is different than
praying for the missionaries or praying for what others can do.
We should pray for what we can do personally.
I love you all,
-Sister Cottrell
Pictures: Brian! He was just so thrilled. We made a ton of food last Monday to just have for the rest of the week, and we made a lot of cookies to have as refreshments at Brian's baptism. Also, in case you didn't know, potatoes are kind of a thing here in Idaho.

Barn full of Idaho Potatoes

This is how large the barn is!

Food preparation for the week on p-day

Sister Crandall is so excited about potatoes

Last week was Brian's baptism! So many people were there! We had to move everyone into the chapel again to fit everyone. Brian is such a sweetheart, and we have grown really close to the whole family! His younger brother got to baptize him, which was just a tender thing to see. Brian's other brother gave the talk, and it was really neat because he talked about how even though Brian doesn't need to be baptized because of his special needs, he getting baptized so that he can serve in the church.
This week was a bit slow because we had the baptisms, then Sister Crandall was sick Tuesday, and we also had another exchange. But we did still see miracles! Yesterday, we had a few lessons cancel, and even though we were able to teach a few less actives, every other door we tired no one was home/we weren't able to get in to share anything. We tried so many people and that made it really tiring/discouraging (the rain didn't help, either). In the late evening, we actually knocked at one referral's home and she totally let us in and was very friendly! She had some interesting beliefs and got a little bit heated at one point, but by the end of it we left on a good note and there's room to go back. We also tried one non-member who we have been trying for weeks, and she keeps putting us off and telling us that she will think about it. We have met her less active boyfriend a few times, and he genuinely would be willing to meet with us if she would be on board. Well, we tried her and she seemed so different, and we even set up an appointment with her! This was really big, because at the moment we don't have very many investigators and out of the investigators we do have, so many have been canceling on us lately. It is just amazing how Heavenly Father prepares His children.
Friday was exchanges again, and one of the lessons we taught was to this student from Germany, who is super sweet! Since she has already had all of the lessons but is still investigating, we taught her about Elijah. She wanted to know more about him since she heard mention of Elijah during one of her classes, and it was a really neat lesson! We also taught a lesson over skype to a guy who lives in Organ! He was super curious about prophets and asked really sincere, good questions. The BYU-I area is unique because they are the only area in Idaho where they can have skype lessons. Basically, if someone has a non-member friend/family member, they can invite them to have a lesson over skype where they can be present with the missionaries here. The BYU-I sisters then teach the first two lessons, and then hand them over to the missionaries that cover them wherever they live. It's a really neat way to ease people into the lessons, because they can investigate the church in the comfort of their home with the missionaries teaching them just through skype. It was a really neat experience!
We also had the opportunity to have another church tour! We took this re-activating family to the stake center, and it was really neat because the ward mission leader for their ward joined us to help teach. By the end of the tour, we set a date for their oldest daughter (who is 9-years-old) to be baptized on Dec. 3rd! Her father is trying to quit smoking, so we will be working closely with their family to prepare them for that date.
Lately, I feel that I've been getting way too emotional! Just yesterday, we had one lesson with the less active lady, who opened up to us quite a bit this visit and admitted that she hasn't been active (a lot of the time, people will sort of pretend that they are with us). While we taught her, I felt just so much love for her and I could really feel how deeply Heavenly Father cares about her! It totally chocked me up, and it was just such a tender moment for me. I realized just how much I truly love doing this work, even on the hard days.
Here's some notes from Elder Oak's talk this past conference! I just want to testify that when you pray for missionary opportunities, they do come. So be ready!
"What we call 'member missionary
work' is not a program but an attitude
of love and outreach to help those around us."
We need the help of every member, and every member can help,
since there are many tasks to perform as we share the restored
gospel with every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
1. We can all pray for desire to help with this vital
part of the work of salvation. All efforts begin with desire.
2. We can keep the commandments ourselves.
3. We can pray for inspiration on what we can do in our individual
circumstances to share the gospel with others. This is different than
praying for the missionaries or praying for what others can do.
We should pray for what we can do personally.
I love you all,
-Sister Cottrell
Pictures: Brian! He was just so thrilled. We made a ton of food last Monday to just have for the rest of the week, and we made a lot of cookies to have as refreshments at Brian's baptism. Also, in case you didn't know, potatoes are kind of a thing here in Idaho.
Barn full of Idaho Potatoes
This is how large the barn is!
Food preparation for the week on p-day
Sister Crandall is so excited about potatoes