Wednesday, August 10, 2016

First week in the MTC

Hello everyone!

I just love it here! I can honestly say that I have never been so happy throughout mos of the day, everyday. It's just wonderful studying and being in a classroom all the time where you just focus on the scriptures and learning how to be a missionary. It's hard work, but I know I'm not doing this alone and that really helps. So I do have some sad news. The hardest thing this week would have to be when one of my companions, Sister Vliet, decided to go home. It was really difficult for me and Sister Bischoff, because we knew she was having a hard time but we were really hopeful that she would stay. Monday Sister Vliet had a meeting with the Branch President, after lunch Sister Bischoff and I were pulled aside and informed that Sister Vliet made the decision to go home, and we have less than half an hour to help her pack and catch her flight back to Michigan. It was really hard, and then right after we helped her pack up, we had half an hour before we taught our first investigator. We just so happened to run into our classroom teacher on the way to our lesson, and after we explained things, he offered to say a prayer with us. It was just what we needed and we were able to teach and have the spirit with us during our lesson.   

Sorry to start off my first e-mail like that, but other than Sister Vliet (she was such a good friend!) going home things have been wonderful! Sister Bischoff is from Alabama and is serving in the Gilbert, Arizona Mission. She's just so wonderful and chill, I seriously have the best companion. Our district is amazing! There are four sets of Elders and then just Sister Bischoff and myself. Three of the Elder are going to Idaho Falls with me, and the rest are going to Arizona. It will be so hard to say goodbye to them. They really have become like family! The Elders in our district are so funny, but they all really care about the work as well. Class discussions are so uplifting! 

Our Branch President is just so inspiring and just great! Thursday night we were all interviewed by him and I just think he's amazingly kind and spiritual. He decided to make me our district online coordinator, which I was so nervous about because anyone who knows me knows that I'm terrible with technology. Luckily for me, I had some training and it's more of a leadership thing to serve my district than anything. 

So fast Sunday was just such an amazing experience! Our meetings were great, and than our district decided to go to choir. The choir director is so super funny, and would tell stories throughout practice that really helped with learning the song. We practiced "Praise to the Man," and he decided to retell the story of Joseph's last day up until he was killed, and it was really powerful.

Sunday night we watched a talk by Elder Bednar given at the MTC a few years back, and it was life changing! It's called "The Character of Christ," and was about how when we, the natural man (Mosiah 3:19), would turn inward, the Savior turns outward, and serves others. The talk was just amazing, hopefully another time I can share more of my notes about it. After the talk, my companions, Sister Miller and Sister Marbery (our amazing roomates!!) and I just sat there in awe. We were literally the last ones to leave! It was such a powerful talk. 

Last night we had our MTC devotional, and while we were singing the opening song "Do What is Right," Elder Neil L. Andersen walked in, and everyone stood. I had at that moment such a powerful witness from the spirit that he is called of God. No one knew he was coming! His main message was that missionary work in itself is not complex, but it's not easy. 

This morning was incredibly! We got to do an endowment session at the Provo Temple, which is right across the MTC. Sister Bischoff and I also did inititories, and I can honestly say that this is such a small world! During the last name I did, the Sister turned to me and asked if I was from around here. I told her that I was a missionary, and when she asked where I was from, I felt like I should tell her Olathe, Kansas instead of just saying Kansas. She turned to me and put her hand of my cheek, explaining that her daughter Amy Kimball lives in Olathe! It's so crazy, for the Kimballs are in my home ward and I was in YWs and Seminary with Ashlynn, who was her granddaughter! That was just so amazing. 

I wish I could say so much more! I'll try to share some more of my notes next week. Thank you so much for the DearElder letters! They are so wonderful! Our district leader picks them up from the mailing room each day, and we are allowed to open them at night! 

I love and miss you all! 

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