First off, I can't believe Christmas is this Sunday! Time seriously is going by way too fast. Transfer calls (if there is going to be a change) will come on Christmas day, but even though both of us hope that there won't be any change made, we know that we will go where we are needed, and I wouldn't have that any other way. This week felt a bit slow due to Zone Conference, exchanges, and snow storms, but as always we were able to see the work go forth!
So, last Tuesday we had our Zone conference, and the conference was really centered on teaching repentance, and helping others prepare to make covenants to Heavenly Father. One really interesting thing is that in missionary work, we call people to repentance by leaving them with commitments that help them make a change in their lives and develop faith. One thing that I have learned is that as a missionary, if you're not doing your part in leaving those you teach commitments and invitations to come closer to Christ, than you're not raising your voice of warning. Right after our Zone Conference, we had a Christmas party, where some of the missionaries preformed in a mini talent show and they also had some activities. It was a blast and just a good way to draw closer together with our zone and the Rigby zone!
Thursday I went on an exchange to Rexberg with Sister Eas from Hawaii! It just so happened that Friday morning, there was this blizzard that hit, and the whole mission received a text message from President Nelson saying that we weren't allowed to drive, and we either had to stay home or walk around to proselyte. Since there was no way we were just going to just chill at the house all day, we walked around Rexberg in the snow- something that I would not suggest to everyone, but it honestly wasn't too bad! :)
Since we couldn't drive that day, our exchange lasted another 24 hours, which is just crazy!
Sunday, we were sitting in sacrament meeting up in Newdale when all of the sudden we received this text message from on the the in-active families that we have been working with in Teton, saying that they decided to make it to church and were wondering where we were at! We quickly hurried over to Teton, although we didn't make it in time for their sacrament meeting, (the sad part is that just that morning we at first felt like we should go to that particular ward in Teton, but we dismissed the thought since we had attended that ward just the week prior) we were able to help the kids to go to all of the right classes, and we attended Sunday School and RS with the mother, who hadn't attended church in years. We were also able to go sacrament in another ward with two other less actives we have been seeing! It was so wonderful to see both of the wards reach out to those who attended church with us.
I swear miracles happen everyday, but here are just a few of them that we experienced this week. First off, last night we had some appointments fall through, and while we were trying our back up plans, I just was feeling a bit disappointed. But I was thinking that there had to be somewhere that we needed to be, so I said a quick prayer and a name came as clear as day to me. I turned to Sister Camarena and asked her if we could go try this one particular in-active woman. What was really neat is that Sister Camarena had been thinking about her strongly as well, so we went over to see her. Sure enough, she was home and we were invited in. We had been trying to set something up with her for a long time, and that night she happened to be there. Another prompting I received was just right after I said my closing prayer for my personal study Sunday morning. The thought came to mind to bring this one nice Book of Mormon I have that has tabs in it, with certain questions written inside, and the scriptures that answer those questions marked (hopefully that makes sense). I at first brushed the thought away, since I always carry a Book of Mormon anyway and I didn't really want to get that particular one I had to be damaged in anyway. But then I remembered a certain time that I had had a thought of bringing something and not acting upon it, and regretting it later. So I ended up taking the other Book of Mormon with me as well. So, in Sunday school with the one woman we have been working with, she needed a copy of the scriptures to follow along in, and I just gave her the copy I had with me. I watched as she ended up turning to each and every tab and reading the questions and the verses marked in it. She leaned over to me and asked where I had gotten it, and was super excited to read more! It was a really neat thing for me to see just how important it is to follow even the smallest of promptings! Also! This morning we had the privilege of going to the Rexberg Temple, and I had an amazing experience there! It is such a blessing to have a temple so close by, I love that we are able to see it from Sugar City.
Since we were snowed in an we could only walk around Rexberg for so long on Friday, I was able to finish reading Doctrine and Covenants, and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to do so in one setting. I really only had 10 or so sections left, but I felt like I needed to learn all that I did from those particular sections at that time. Here are just a couple of scriptures from my reading then that stood out.
~D&C 132:3
~D&C 136:31
I love you all, and hope that each of you have a wonderful Christmas! I know that Jesus really is the Christ, and this Christmas season my hope is that we can all thing of a way to align our lives closer to Him. We each have such a unique role to play here on earth, I know that to be true with all of my heart.
-Sister Cottrell